A whole mouth full for a simple dish. We always have some frozen fish in the freezer, perfect for this kind of preparation. Certain fish and seafood I would always buy fresh though, especially when it’s the hero of your meal (like salmon or whole sea bass for example).
Anyway, salty bacon is a great combination with white fish. I also wanted to make a white sauce to go with it all, but to be honest I was pretty beat after a few tiring days so this simple butter sauce was a great addition, maybe even better 😉
Bacon Wrapped Cod with Baby Potatoes, Steamed Vegetables and Butter Parsley Garlic Sauce
- 2 cod filets
- 8 slices of smokey bacon
- 500 g baby potatoes, unpeeled
- 50 g unsalted butter
- Olive oil + butter for frying
- 2 cloves garlic, grated
- Handful fresh parsley, chopped
- 300 g green beans
- 200 grams carrots
- (Or any other veggies you prefer)
- Pepper and salt for seasoning
Place the potatoes in a pan with salty cold water and bring to a boil.
When boiling turn down heat slightly and cook for 20 minutes.
In a separate pan bring ± 5 cm of water to a boil and add some salt (this is for the veggies).
While waiting for the water to boil lay out the bacon strips (4 strips per cod filet).
Place the cod on top, season with loads of crushed black pepper and wrap in the bacon. Set aside.
When pan of water is boiling add the carrots to the water and place a colander or vegetable steamer on top in which you place the green beans.
Boil and steam the veggies for ± 8 minutes (I like them slightly undercooked, cook longer if you prefer).
In a skillet or non stick frying pan heat a small knob of butter and 1 tbsp of olive oil.
When butter has dissolved and started to froth add the bacon wrapped cod pieces.
Fry ± 4 minutes on each side until bacon is crispy.
At this point both the veggies and the potatoes should be done and drained, cover to keep warm.
In a small sauce pan heat 50 g of butter and add the grated garlic and parsley and season with pepper and salt.
Just before serving toss the veggies and potatoes in their pans with a drizzle of the butter sauce.
Now all is needed is to plate up!
Carrots take a bit longer than green beans that's why I use 2 different techniques of preparing them. If you don't have a colander or a steamer just add the beans to the boiling after ± 4 minutes so they cook half the time of the carrots.