
  • Velvety White Asparagus Soup

    More asparagus recipes! I love experimenting with ingredients but when seasonal ingredients are only around for a few months per year I always feel I need to start with the classics first. Hence this soup! There are quick versions and there are long versions of this recipe. I chose for the long version, because we all know that’s always better for flavour! Serve with your favourite topping like cooked ham, smoked salmon or trout, Dutch shrimps or crunchy croutons. Or just serve as is!

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  • Baked Cheesy Chicory

    Baked cheesy chicory, or witlof in Dutch, is a classic Dutch vegetable side dish. Chicory is one of those veggies that as a kid I didn’t like much, too bitter and strange texture. Now I love it! It’s great eaten raw with a good veggie dip, or like my friend…

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  • White Asparagus – The Classic Way

    The ‘white gold of the earth’ we call it in the Netherlands, and what a better dish to eat on earth day. Harvested in the morning and on our plate in the evening, couldn’t get any fresher than that. Last week I made a version with puff pastry and smoked…

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  • Brabantse Worstenbroodjes (Sausage rolls)

    In the Netherlands we’re not really well known for our haute cuisine, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have good food. We have some amazing stews, soups, stamppots, seasonal dishes, seafood, sweets and snacks in our repertoire. Brabant is pretty well known for their worstenbroodjes (sausage rolls) and their Bossche…

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  • Andive & Cheese Stamppot with Meatballs and Gravy

    Although the Netherlands isn’t really known for it’s haute cuisine dishes, there are quite a few traditional dishes that I absolutely love, like raw herring, kroketten or pea soup with smoked sausage for example. Another one of my favourites is stamppot, which literally translates to ‘mashed pan’. It’s mashed potatoes…

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